29 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi

Support Family Survival Courses

      I've always had an interest in survival and prepping. Of course most people see preppers as crazed, gun wielding dangerous lunatics. But the people who think such things are highly misinformed about what it means to prepare. We saw with Hurricane Sandy how thousands of people were totally unprepared for emergencies and had to lean on the government for help. Instead of being able to wait things out in the comfort of their own homes these people were put into FEMA run camps where they were living in tents and their every move was being watched. They even had to show their ID's to go to the bathroom.
In the meantime the preppers of the area were sitting with their families eating canned foods, maybe powering their homes with personal generators and playing card games... simply waiting things out. Now this is only a very small and unrepresentative reason for why preppers "prep". But it does visualize things well.
The current state of the United States is dismal. Thanks to QE-Infinity, the current bond bubble that will soon bust just as the housing bubble did and continuing debt increases from the federal government there will soon be total economic collapse. I don't say this as a way to fear monger or gain attention, I say it because it is an absolute mathematical fact. The United States will, within 10 years at the most, collapse economically. And with total economic collapse comes social collapse and chaos. Whether that chaos be in the form of anarchy or totalitarian police state it will happen.
This is why I prepare. I make sure I know what to do when there's an angry mob beating down my door because they know I've got food. It won't be long until this happens thanks to the drought. Food will soon account for more than 50% of the average American's paycheck. We can see the food prices rising at astronomical rates. Historically when food prices hit that 50% there are riots and unrest.
I make sure I know what to do when there is a SWAT team trying to break into my house to confiscate my guns as a result of misinformed gun control laws and regulations. What happened recently at Sandy Hook was terrible. But I don't let my emotions get in the way of my logic. I know there is a reason far beyond hunting and self-defense the 2nd amendment was created. George Washington as a general had only two successful battles against the British and those were luck. Had it not been for the ability of common individuals to get access to the famed long rifles the United States would not be sovereign from Great Britain today. We as Americans maintain our right to keep and bear ANY arms to ensure we are never taken over by oppressive governments. This is also the philosophy of Switzerland. Every man between the ages of 20 and 60 has skills in shooting; it's a long tradition for them. As a result Switzerland has maintained freedom and sovereignty longer than any other European country.
You see, prepping isn't about being a rebel. It's about being informed and ready for whatever may come next. It's about being totally independent on yourself rather than the government. It's about taking your life into your own hands and living for you and your family rather than an oppressive government with a track record for holding people back from their true potential.
That's why I built this site on how to learn survival skills and prepare for the worst.

More Info:http://tinyurl.com/cr4cnbm

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